MVVM Session 03 – Model Validation with IDataErrorInfo

In the third part of my MVVM Series on my YouTube channel I educate how you can use the IDataErrorInfo interface in WPF using MVVM to do validation. This approach applies equally to your models and view models, although in the video I focus primarily on the model.

Watch on YouTube now.

Source Code download for Session 03:
Download from my Skydrive


  1. HerD

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the great instructional videos.
    Exploring the world of C#-WPF-MVVM (all new to me) and this has helped me a lot.
    Is the code from part 3 still available somewhere ?
    greetings, HerD

  2. Kiran


    Great video.
    The source code is not available anymore. Can you please make it available. It will really help.

    Thanks for your help.

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