Introduction to Test Driven Development in .NET

Testing has always interested me to some degree. Not from the perspective of manual testing or quality assurance, but from the perspective of the developer behind the desk who just wrote the code. How can a developer, who is accountable for their own code, ensure that they are producing the highest quality code with a low defect count and high maintainability rating? One answer for many years now has been the development process of TDD, or Test Driven Development.

TDD is not just about unit tests; it's actually an entire thought process with a set of core fundamentals you should follow, and it really changes the way you think about your code, and eventually the way you write it.

I did a thirty minute screencast on TDD in an introductory manner. I go through the steps of designing and building a simplified inversion of control container through the process of TDD.

Watch on YouTube now.

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