
MVVM Session 01 – 02 Demo Source Code downloads.

I have received several comments and emails requesting the source code downloads for both Session 01 and Session 02 of the MVVM series on my YouTube channel. They are listed below. DCOMProductions.MvvmDemo DCOMProductions.MvvmDemo (Session 2)

ZipFile class (System.IO.Compression.FileSystem)

I was excited that the base class library in .NET 4.5 now includes native support for working with Zip files, but in my excitement I overlooked System.IO.Compression.FileSystem. The name of the assembly is actually misleading, because the namespace is still…
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What is WinRT and how does it affect .NET?

Apparently there is fuss going on about what WinRT (Windows Runtime) is and how it affects .NET. I’m going to talk about that based on my understanding of WinRT. WinRT, or the Windows Runtime, is theoretically the successor to Win32….
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Empty Pattern

This thread on Msdn was one I came across, and I felt it needed a much better answer. His question in short, is what is the difference between null, Empty, and “” in C#. I assume that you know what…
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